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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Dark Years...Book 2
![]() Chapter 4--Job Search Monday, June 25, 2001
One time the manager of Chuck-e-chesses' called my house asking for me. Well, of course my mother answered the phone. The manager told my mother that I had filled out an application there and he wanted to schedule an interview with me. The only problem was that I was only 8!!!!!
Chapter 5--Sad, Sad story Wednesday, June 27, 2001
My mother, who is not known for sharing, had a King-size bag of M&M's. Well, I said to her, "Mommy, may I please have some of your M&M's?" Her reply, "No." "Well, then if your going to the store and not going to share your M&M's with me, will you please get me some?" "Yeah."
My mother has yet to deliver that bag of M&M's.
Morale of the story--Shine your own shoes before dancing in the rain.
Chapter 6--Sebastian something starting with an A Moore Wednesday, June 25, 2001
(Ah little somthin to warm tha heart)
Sebastian sleeps in my mom's room. Sometimes after I go to sleep (with his big head), opens my door to my room and comes in. Then he lays down on my air conditioning vent; so in the morning, when I wake up, my room is hot.
Morale of the story--Never open a coke upside down with your dentures.
I guess you would call this Prelude. It preludes to the next chapter.
Think back to a time, a time engulfed in sweet memories made and shared with the people you loved so dearly. A time where it was okay to be gay and frolic in the green fields. A time where you and all your friends spent in the sun after school. A time where all your loved ones skipped to the store and brought cool sweet lemonade. A time still fresh on the mind. Do you remember those band days? Do you remember Walker Brothers and the immigrant store? City Hall and the Never Ending Yard Sale? Christmas parade and Christmas holiday? Springtime and concert band? Concert festival and spring concert? Spring concert and next year's freshmen? Amanda's and Jason's French horn playing love child and my wanna be best friend flutist? Amanda's boyfriend's little tuba playing brother? The little 7th grader who was good enough to play with us? Remember those estranged days? Remember?...
Chapter 8--DMV and ME!!! Wednesday, July 4, 2001
¯Downtown by myself and I've had so much time to sit and think about myself and then there it was; like disco super fly...¯
And then there it was--the Office of Motor Vehicles! We parked the truck and went in. And, yes, it was much more faster then the Bossier DMV. I took a number. My lucky number 49. And the counter was only on 41!! Yes! This was turning out to be a wonderfully bliss day.
¯Whose that lounging in my chair? Whose that casing devious stares in my direction? Momma this surely is a dream, this must be my dream...¯
So me and my mother took front row seats on the left-hand side of the room. There were two rows behind us. And guess who was on the second row?
I am going to be a Junior next year and finally turning 16. I turned 15 when I was a sophomore. But different people are different indeed. But this guy turned 15 before he became a freshman! What's wrong with that picture? On top of that this is Amanda's and Jason's love child!!!(the horror!)
(nice lookin dad though...j/k)
Chapter 9--The Never Ending Yard Sale--part 2--the revenge! Thrusday, July 5, 2001
My mother and I on Tuesday, July 3, about one hour after high noon on this, the year of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, 200,1 went to Brookshires to buy stuff (e.g. food). And this store, as clean and nice as it was, withheld a dark and deep secret. My mother pushed the cart, already starting to become full, in front of me; while I walked behind her. As my mother walked to the cereal isle from the milk isle by the cash registers, she so slightly turned her head to me "What do you want for breakfast?" And I replied "Rice Krispies and some pop tarts." So she entered the cereal isle from the cash registers and promptly took the left side of the isle. As I got my pop tarts, I had a second to glance at this miss matched character headed towards us. As my mother and I walk toward the Rice Krispies center, we and the odd person passed. I noted the flowery pants with the dark blue shirt and with the `I cut your hair, you cut my hair' hair doo. Then I noticed the buggy being pushed behind her. Then the person pushing the buggy--her daughter. With the same hair cut short like a boy's, and with all black clothes on, looking retarded. I soon realized that it was the Never Ending Yard Sale People!!(This all took place in about 2 seconds)
--true horrible smelling story!
Chapter 10--Baby Scobey Thrusday, July 5, 2001
Michael Scobey might not look like a geek anymore because he got rid of his coke bottle glasses; but he's still one of the cruelest idiots walking around Haughton--or maybe it's riding around Haughton.
As you may remember, Michael has a little brother that looks just like him. But I have to admit his little brother is cute. And those coke bottle glasses make him even cuter (but wait two or three more years and he won't be cute anymore).
I said `cruelest idiot riding around Haughton' because on this day (Thursday, July 5, on this the year of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ 2001), Michael and Baby Scobey were riding bikes.
After running into Brookshires to get an application, my mother and I went home. As we were stopped at a light (East 80 and Bellevue) Michael and Baby Scobey rode up to the intersection from the Brookshires' parking lot to go down Bodca. As we all know, Michael is bigger (he had a bigger bike), stronger, and stupider then Baby Scobey.
(the horror begins; brace yourself)
Michael and Baby Scobey stop in the middle of the road headed south bound by MacD's. The Michael says something to Baby Scobey then takes off through the busy intersection. Baby Scobey is too small to build up that amount of power and he is trapped there in the middle of the road. Cars come zooming through the intersection that Michael has just passed through. (See Drawing; objects are not drawn to size)
![]() Michael (of course) makes it across two lanes of traffic and safely pulls into the old circle K store parking lot waiting for Baby Scobey to come.
Scare, frightened, and confused with "Should I wait for the light to turn green?" and "Daddy told me to look both ways before crossing a street; but there's more than one lane of cars coming..." and "But I'm always supposed to cross with an adult..." and "I'm scare!! Michael save me!!" thoughts, Baby Scobey frantly turned his head up, down, right, left, and all around. So scared was he that he forgot about being in the middle of the street. Luckily God was watching over Baby Scobey and sent a helper. A white Chevy double cab truck pulled into the left turning lane and upon seeing the atroists done upon Baby Scobey, the man spoke kind, warm words to him. Baby Scobey seemed changed after the good sumeratin talked to him. He seemed definite, determined, and best--less afraid. His eyes fixated on the road and he seemed to be thinking about his next peddling move.
(No, Michael, don't go back and save your brother, even though you had time.)
Friends, Louisianans, townsmen, I wish I could tell you that Baby Scobey got home safely, not under Michael's wing, but God's wing, but that would be a lie; and I cannot tell a lie. My mother and I did not stay at the light forever and we had to move along. Hopefully, poor, scared, little Baby Scobey, who is not even close to ready for the real world, got home safe.
Moron of the story--Michael.
Lesson of the story--Don't let this be you. Watch after those who are not as strong as you; or someone will see you and write a chapter on your loserness.
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