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![]() The Never Ending Yard Sale. | The Dark Years... | Guest Book
![]() ![]() ![]() The Never Ending Yard Sale.
![]() Well, my name is LaShieka. I don't have a job so I live at home with my parents--how fun!! I use to be a straight A student, but I had to take a foreign language. Of course, I made a B in there. I hate Spanish! (no offense to you Spanish speaking people out there!) I have a dog; his name is Rover. He is so, so, so, so cute! Rover is a Golden Retriever (I know you shouldn't capitalize that--for all you English teachers!).
![]() Now that you know something about me, now you should know something about my day-to-day life. I go to a large high school out in the boondocks. I am in the band, JROTC, beta club, key club, color guard, and the newspaper staff. I am an outstanding student in the fact that I am very involved in my school and other cool things. I am an alto, tenor, and baritone sax player. And now for the juicy part of my story: the story of the people I know (their names have been changed to protect their identity)
![]() Somewhere in this universe there is a galaxy called the Milky Way. Somewhere in that galaxy there is a fairly large planet named earth. On that planet somewhere is a country named America--home of the free and brave. And in America there is a state named Louisiana. In this state there is a city named Haughton. And in this strange city of about 10,000 people, and one stop light (if you blink you'll miss it), and 542 cows, there is a street that most residents Haughton use--Main Street!! If you travel all the way on Main Street, until you come to a dead end, you'll have passed though three small towns, three stop lights (each of town having their own stop light), and all of those 542 cows. But if you start at the beginning of Main Street--the end of Main Street comes to a dead end so you'll have to start at the beginning right before you get into Haughton. Well, if you start at the beginning and travel up Main street the first action that you will get is getting pulled over by a cop that has donut glaze on his fingers and a huge coffee stain on his shirt. Haughton is a speed trap. The next action you will get is the one and only stop light in Haughton. Travel on down a way and you'll run into the largest and oldest school in Haughton--hence the name Haughton High School. Built at the turn of the century (1900s), it houses about 1,000 people. Their band sucks, their football teams pretty good though (they have the only sophomore quarterback, if that tells you any thing), their JROTC is one of the best in the nation, everyone there speaks like a hick, their spanish teacher is a nut, and they always have about two wild dogs hanging around. But this story's not about a high school out in the boondocks. So let's back up a little bit. Go back to the only stop light in Haughton, now that's better. Drive a little bit towards the high school and look to your left. Do you see the mobile home with the porch attached and them both spray painted blue and gray and the fence in front of the house spray painted white with black poke-a-dottes? Yes, my friend there is such a thing as the...
![]() The horror! They have had this yard sale up and running ever since I've being going to Haughton High School. Everyday, even on the weekends. Everyday it's the same old stuff--home made bird houses, old clothes that are so faded that your grandmother wouldn't be caught dead in (literally), junk that no one even if they bought it would ever find any use for it, and day after day they put out the same toilet out for sale. Yes, I said toilet. And day after day I must ride by it, like most people do, and day after day no one visits the never ending yard sale. No one even stops to talk to the people that live there. I believe that there is a law that states that people living in city limits may have yard and/or garage sales; but they may not exceed a week. My point--they're not suppose to have this yard sale day after day. But no one stops them from having it. Not even the Sheriff/Mayor of Haughton. No one has ever told them to stop, so I guess that's why they keep having it. They never make any money off of it. They also don't seem to have jobs. Whenever I go passed they're always there--staring at who ever drives by. Watchin' and waitin' and prayin'. But yet cars roll on and on. Sunlight becomes moonlight. Then stars become clouds and the cycle is repeated. Children grow up and men grow older and they seem the same the day I first saw them. People start making the first space colony. The sun grows a little bit darker and colder. And pretty soon the earth gets a little colder, too. Oh, my, the second ice age has come!! But yet, through the years, everyday, the never ending yard/junk sale goes on--and nobody even stops.
![]() The End!!
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